Proposed Field Management Structure / Financial Controls

Programme Manager

The Programme Manager will be responsible for overall delivering of benchmarks as specified in the contract. He will be responsible for conducting meetings with companies to collect business information required for registration of technology / goods / services requests and/or selling of goods/service and to ensure that such information is registered in the EAHP platform, assist individual companies to register and complete buy and sell profiles, assist companies to respond to letters of interest as well completion of transactions with local regional or international companies. The Programme Manager will monitor the transactions and up date information in the platform as required. He will be responsible for quality control and approval of all trade leads generated in Tanzania and disseminate to Trade Analysts.

In addition, the Project Manager will be responsible for building in country network of EAHP partners, promotion of and marketing the programme all over Tanzania. He will assist both EAHP partners and individual companies to access the technical assistance available in the EAHP programme. He will also organize trade missions – both out going and reverse as might be required and communicate information on trade fairs or all other events relevant to the programme. In discharging the responsibilities, the Programme Manager will constantly liaise with all players to complement embassies' and trade mission efforts in their strategic objectives.

The Programme Manager will be overall in charge of all administrative issues, invoicing, general correspondence with management, preparation of and timely submission of management reports in the format and time, as set out by management.

Assistant Programme Manager

The Assistant Programme Manager will be responsible for providing technical assistance to support all Programme Manager responsibilities as explained above. He will specifically be responsible for managing the "sell profile portfolio", i.e., Tanzanian companies that are seeking to export products to regional or international companies. This portfolio will require close working relationship with TANEXA, TCCIA, CTI, Board of Export Trade to develop a database of exporters as mentioned above. He will also be responsible for linking in country sellers to in country buyers.

Programme Accountant

The Programme Accountant will be responsible for all billings, maintaining programme cashbook, ensuring that all transaction adhere to proper accounting principles as set up by National Board of Accountants and Auditors.

Office Manager

EAHP will provide one Office Manager responsible for setting up appointments, administrative issues including, travel arrangement for Programme and Assistant Programme Manager, hotel reservations, airport pick up for TA's, maintenance of office, etc.

Financial Controls

EAHP uses standard accounting practices as set by the National Board of Accountants and Auditors. EAHP accounts are audited annually a reputable external auditor of international status.

EAHP maintains separate bank accounts for each project with their own cashbook, vouchers and checks. All payments are done by checks that are raised together with vouchers. Invoices are raised for any receivables. Weekly reconciliation of bank account is done to ensure that cashbook and cashbook balances. We will thus open a separate bank account for the EAHP programme.

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